What I learned from Dad falling asleep mid joke
I was recently taking to my Dad and I had a funny story I was waiting to share. Sure to get a huge laugh, I thought. I lined up the gag...
For most things in life there is duct tape and WD40. For everything else - Use Problem Solving
Lean and Operational Excellence are synonymous with process improvement and problem solving. Problem solving can not be left to the...
"Can't someone else do it" - 6 ways leaders can create a culture of Action
Over the years we have seen businesses and teams struggle to reach their potential and achieve the results we know are possible. There...
Are you doing everything to ensure a successful Operational Excellence transformation?
We have all heard the stark statistic stating that 70% of business transformations fail. At WD Excellence we constantly work to identify...
The power of Emotional Intelligence in achieving Operational Excellence
Business transformation can be exciting, disruptive, energising, chaotic and not without challenges. It is also fundamental in today’s...
Bring Excellence to your CDMO: Top 10 ways OpEx can enhance your organisational Performance
Cost pressures, increased competition, changes in regulation and employee expectations are constant challenges for #cdmo organisations in...
Testimonial: "I didn't fall asleep... that's a first for me"
I recently facilitated a Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence training workshop with a team working in the Pharma industry. A team...
3 Tips for developing a Culture of Innovation & Continuous Improvement
Do you think Innovation and Continuous Improvement is the responsibility of a select few in your business? I once did. I was wrong. Over...
Expert Profile Magazine
Delighted to have been asked to feature in this publication.